Tuesday, November 6, 2012

my non-partisan, election day rant.

I don't know about you, but this election cycle has been one of the toughest that I can remember. Regardless of your affiliation, or apathy, I think we can all agree that we're glad it's over. Mostly because we all know the next cycle is starting soon, and we've earned a break (albeit short).

First, I want to thank everyone that's reading this (and even those that won't). Personally, this cycle has seen many changes for me, and without my incredible support system - none of this would have been possible. Molte grazie!

During a time when our country could not be more polarized, I'm grateful to see that people still vote. I know we wish more people would, because that's what democracy is about, but we can't ignore the process. We might not trust the people running or the future they have planned for us, but the process does not falter. If we trust that the process will prevail, then we're all winners.

Ok, enough of the rainbows and teddy bears. Now onto the real meat.

#1: This is for those of you that don't think voting is important or necessary. SHAME ON YOU.

There are so many different ways to chastise you for being an ignorant, selfish moron. But, I'll take this route. Do you know how many people have died, just so that you can be an ignorant, selfish moron? How many presidents gave their lives so that you can not care about something as simple as liberty? AND - how many people that you love, will be negatively impacted by your stupidity? Grow up, care about something other than yourself, and get your head out of your ass.

#2: This one is for those of you that don't think your vote matters. SHAME ON YOU.

Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, Right-to-Life, Constitution, or otherwise; I don't care what your affiliation is, what your issues are, or why you believe what you believe -- your vote matters. One vote can mean the difference between a future that you want, and a future you dread. One vote can determine whether your kids get the future they deserve or a future to be ashamed of. One vote can pass a budget, one vote can change the lives of many. Vote, and change a life. 

#3: This is for those of you who believe, "they're all corrupt, my vote won't change that." IT'S YOUR FAULT.

If you don't get involved, the corruption stays. If you don't get involved, nothing will change. And if you don't get involved, your vote won't change anything. Stand for something, otherwise you'll fall for anything - including your own indifference.

Ok, that's it, mindless rant complete. Keep your eyes peeled for my partisan post later tonight, after the results. And don't say I didn't warn you.

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